📢 Friends of Honor is now open! Have questions? Ask staff for support!!
📢 Got your character approved? Make an open thread or come to the discord to plot!

Main Office

Sept 1, 2020 2:14:49 GMT
( 1 thread + 1 post )

Welcome to the Bulletin Board! This is where all sorts of news, events and other fun things will be posted regarding the forum. Be sure to check in often and read what has been happening!

Oct 2, 2021 22:08:17 GMT
( 6 threads + 6 posts )

Welcome to the Guide Book! This is where forum guides will be posted, pertaining to roleplay or other important things the members need to know! Be sure to read it often!

( 0 threads + 0 posts )

Need help? Can't log in? A guest having troubles or questions?

Then you've come to the right place! Post a thread here and staff will be right there to help you with whatever you need!

Nov 30, 2020 17:33:54 GMT
( 6 threads + 49 posts )

Any roleplay threads that are deemed "finished" or "incomplete" will be posted here to act as an archive of all the goings-on around Lucerne!


Dec 29, 2021 19:32:40 GMT
( 3 threads + 6 posts )

Anything not related to roleplay is to be posted here! Artwork, Testing Codes, Forum Games and Introducing yourself can all be done here!!

Jul 26, 2024 5:15:10 GMT
( 84 threads + 92 posts )

Want to advertise your forum on ours so that more people join? Want to affiliate with us so we both gain more members? Well, this place is the place for you!!

Member Resources

Dec 29, 2021 20:09:47 GMT
( 23 threads + 38 posts )

Want to start your adventure in Lucerne? Great, wonderful! This is where you will register your character to begin your life of adventure!!

Dec 30, 2021 15:35:20 GMT
( 12 threads + 23 posts )

In this area, boards for OOC purposes: thread trackers, post templates, etc, will be located here, as well as an adoption board!

Oct 6, 2021 14:24:38 GMT
( 4 threads + 4 posts )

Want to send mail to friends or foes? Good!!
Make a board with an image of your mailbox to have mail sent to you!

[ Use this format for the thread name: Character Name's Mailbox ]

Job Boards

May 24, 2020 3:41:46 GMT
( 1 thread + 1 post )

All information retaining to the job board, such as guides & much more.

The Lucerne Region

Dec 29, 2021 20:16:08 GMT
( 3 threads + 3 posts )

Gentle Falls is the main town in the very center of the Lucerne Region. It is a bustling town with much business opportunities to be found! But beware to the travelers.. keep an eye on your coin pouch.. outlaws lurk in the shadows and can seem nice at first sight. Don't be fooled.

( 0 threads + 0 posts )

Right in the town of Gentle Falls, a big alleyway is located. Dark and unforgiving, this is where the Outlaws stay, live and bum around. Any travelers or explorers who happen in this part of town will either be mugged or knocked out on sight.. so be careful!

( 0 threads + 0 posts )

Wanna head out of town but not go exploring? There's a whole region you there to go and see if you just have a day off or want some time to yourself!


( 0 threads + 0 posts )


Recent Threads + Recent Posts

( 0 Staff + 0 Members + 4 Guests )

157 total threads
244 total posts
29 total members

( 0 Staff + 0 Members + 79 Guests )